>> What is a calendar subscription?
A subscribed calendar will show events on your iphone, ipad or mac calendar. The calendar is managed by an owner. You can not edit or add events to a subscribed calendar unless you are the owner.
>> How do I turn the reminder alerts on and off?
By default, the Bind dates will play an alert 2 hours prior to the Bind time. If you want to shut the alerts off, go to your calendar app. Click on the word "Calendars" at the bottom of the screen. Tap the "i" icon for the calendar. Tap the slider beside "Event Alerts" to the off position. (or On, if you want it on).
>> How do I unsubscribe?
1. Open 'Settings' on your iPhone or iPad and tap on 'Accounts & Passwords'.
2. Find 'Subscribed Calendars' and tap on it.
3. If you have more than one subscribed calendar, then select the one you want to remove and then, tap on 'Delete Account'.
>> What is "Bind Trump"?
Bind Trump is a monthly ritual performed by people around the world. To find out more, please visit the official Bind Trump facebook group.
>> Who do I contact about making changes to the calendar?
You can reach us through the Contact button below. Please note - We just manage the calendar. We are not spokespeople for the Bind Trump movement. If you want to contact the official Bind Trump group, please reach out to the facebook group monitors.